Thursday, April 6, 2017

Oaklee 10 months!

Miss Oaklee is officially 10 months old!

·         Playing with her dogs
·         Getting into any and everything
·         Going for drives
·         Playing with her toys

·         Being told no
·         When she gets into something she isn’t supposed to and you take it away from her

·         Currently in size 12 month for tops & bottoms
·         Still in size 3 diapers

·         She is pretty much eating full on solids now.
·         I am still pumping around 18 ounces a day for her
·         LOVES Chicken!

·         Sleep is still going awesome for her! 2 naps during the day and sleeping through the night from 8:00pm-6:30am

·         Oaklee can crawl now!
·         She pulls herself up and stands holding onto things

·         Oaklee is one healthy gal (so grateful)
·         She has teeth coming in like crazy!

          Oaklee is such a sassy and wild little girl! She is defiantly going to give us a run for our money when she’s older!
          She is such a dare devil and loves to do everything you tell her NOT to do. When you tell her no she kind of just looks at you and continues to do it with a little smirk on her face. When she knows its naughty she will secretly look at you before she touches it. Such a stinker!
          The temper tantrums have begun! She gets really upset when you take something away from her or tell her no. She screams and try’s to push you away!

Looking forward to:
·         Walking
·         Her first birthday!

·         Learning new words

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