Thursday, April 6, 2017

Oaklee 11 months!

Oaklee is 11 months old! How did that even happen!

·         Crawling and following us where ever we go
·         Playing with her aunt Sadie
·         Getting to play with her cousin Declan who she calls Dec!

·         Wearing bows L She rips them off in two seconds
·         Still the same in size 12 month for tops & bottoms
·         Still in size 3 diapers

·         We are officially done with baby food! She won’t eat it anymore! So solids all the way now!

·         Sleep is still the same!

·         She seems to crawl faster and faster every day!
·         We are trying to get her to talk with us only holding one hand but she freezes and then goes back down to her butt so she can crawl. I guess she will walk when she feels ready!

·         Our family was blessed with the flu this month. (Ew) Oaklee only had it during the night, so I slept in her room and whenever she started to throw up I had to hurry and grab a towel and sit her up. She was so exhausted it was awful to watch! Luckily she was doing great by morning! Dad on the other hand got the worst of it and was sick for two days. I felt a little sick but was doing good (thank goodness for a good immune system)

          Oaklee has been such a sweet heart lately! She learned how to give kisses and it’s my favorite thing! She makes the little “muah” sound and everything! My heart could burst!
          She is really coming along with her sign language this last month! It’s so fun to watch people be amazed when she signs to them! It also makes our life so much easier when she can sign what she wants instead of whine!

Looking forward to:
·         Walking! I want her to walk so badly!

·         Her first birthday!

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