Thursday, March 30, 2017

Oaklee 9 months!

Oaklee is 9 months old!! (At least she was a month ago). Ha!

  • ·         Dogs! Oh my goodness this girl LOVES dogs!
  • ·         Bath time. She loves to play with her toys and splash!
  • ·         Food! She loves to eat what we are eating!

  • ·         Being put down when she wants you to hold her

  • ·         Currently still wears 12 month clothing
  • ·         Wears size 3 diapers


  • ·         Still takes 20-25 oz of mommys milk a day
  • ·         Loves to try new foods & Dad likes to spoil her with goodies!

  • ·         Nothing really changed. What can I say? Girl loves to sleep!

  • ·         She army crawls now!
  • ·         She is wanting us to grab her hands so she can stand up and take some steps
  • ·         Now knows how to sign Dog & more
  • ·         Knows how to say Dad, Da da, Dog, Mama, Cat, & Nana (Banana)

  • ·         She now has both her bottom teeth and her front tooth on the right side is starting to come in!
  • ·         She got her first cold this month. It was so sad. She had a stuffy nose and really nasty cough. It was pretty rough to get her to go to sleep but once she fell asleep she wouldn’t wake up until the morning. The humitifier and boogie sucker were life savers!
  • ·         Exzema is starting to disappear (thank goodness) just trying to stay on top of her baths and lotion!

          I’ve been looking at her the past month and I cant believe how big she is. She is growing into this beautiful little girl and my momma heart can’t take it.
          I made the amutuer mistake of looking back at her newborn pictures and wanting my little baby back! I miss the days when she would cuddle and fall asleep in my arms.
          Oaklee has been such a hoot this month! She is learning so many new things and she taught Mom & Dad some real patience this month when she was sick. I’m happy that we made it 9 months without a cold and I never want her to get another one again! Haha

Looking forward to:
  • ·         Crawling on her knees
  • ·         Walking
  • ·         Pulling herself up on things
  • ·         Learning new words & signs!

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