Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Sick Baby

                Hello everyone! I thought I would give an update on the blog because I know a lot of you are wondering what’s been going on with Oaklee. The answer that I have at this moment is I don’t know. I don’t know. The doctors don’t know… It’s pretty much a waiting game at this point. If you want to know what happened/happening then please keep reading.

                Early Saturday morning (May 6th) Oaklee woke up in the middle of the night (not like her) crying. Zack gave her a bottle and she went right back to sleep. He came back into our room and said she felt really hot. I took her temp and she had a temp of 101. I thought “Oh great, she has a nasty virus.”

                She had a temperature all of Saturday, even when I gave her Tylenol. She was EXTREMLY fussy. I’ve never seen her act the way she did. She was kicking and screaming in a way a two year old would throw a tantrum at the store for not getting a treat they wanted. It just wasn’t like her at all.

                I decided to just stick it out for a day and see if she woke up Sunday feeling better. Sunday morning came and she still wasn’t feeling well. At this point she had a temp of 102.4. She was screaming constantly and didn’t want anything to eat or drink so I decided it was time to take her the Instacare.
               We brought her to the instacare and he noticed one of her ears were red. Bam! He instantly diagnosed her with an ear infection, gave us a prescription and sent us on our way. I thought, “Great! We will give her antibiotics and she’ll be better in no time!”

                She continued to have a constant fever on Monday and Tuesday. She was starting to eat and drink better but that’s the only thing that changed. On Monday evening I pointed out to Zack that I noticed she wasn’t crawling. She would only army crawl and it was slow and she would cry like she was in pain. We called her doctor’s office and they asked us to come in so they could have a look. The doctor looked her over and requested to have some x rays done the following day to see if she had an injury we didn’t know about. We went in for X rays of her arms and the doctor called back later that day saying it showed inflammation in her elbows and requested to have some blood tests done.
                Wednesday afternoon we finally got the call saying that the blood test showed markers for inflammation and that they spoke to an ortho specialist who requested we go to the ER immediately because it could be something serious. By Wednesday Oaklee’s fevers had gone but she was still extremely cranky and would not crawl or stand up.

                We arrived at the ER and the doctor did more x rays on her legs. It came back showing inflammation in one of her knees. They decided to admit us, do more blood work and we would stay until they figured out what was wrong. The doctor went over things from Lupus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, some sort of autoimmune disease to cancer… As a parent the word cancer takes your breath away.

                We spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in the hospital running test after test. They took her blood again on Wednesday and we got the results back on Thursday showing that it still showed markers of inflammation but that it had gone down a little. The nursing staff and doctors came in the room wearing full on hazmat suits because they weren’t sure what she could have. They also did a test for viruses and the staff had to wear all that stuff until that test came back. (It came back negative) The doctors asked us questions about our history and Zack had mentioned he had Kawasaki disease when he was younger. The doctors decided to test for that, just in case. That meant that Oaklee needed to be put under to have an echocardiogram to make sure her heart was okay. We had that test done and everything came back normal.

                They sent us home on Friday with no real answer. They said if she continues to get better and the inflammation goes down they suspect she got some sort of virus and her body reacted in a weird way towards it. If the inflammation continues and she isn’t moving much then they suspect she has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis… We go back in for more blood work on the 22nd and the doctors will go from there…

                I just wanted to update everyone who wanted more answers or had any questions. We also wanted to thank everyone for your sweet messages and prayers. It gives us so much comfort knowing we have so many people who love and adore Oaklee. At this time we ask for your continued prayers and I will update as soon as I know more answers myself. As of right now Oaklee is crawling in her normal position. She doesn’t crawl as fast or as often as she used to but seems to be improving everyday so we are very hopeful.

Talk to you all soon.

Love Always,

The Crazy Collards

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