Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Oaklee 8 months!

Okay so I totally forgot to write Oaklee’s 8 month update. Oops!


·            Still obsessing over dogs! Whenever she sees one she immediately says “Dog!” And also starts to sign dog.
·            She started to eat the little puff treats and loves them! Such a good treat to keep her quiet while out at dinner!
·            Still adores her daddy! He is the only one that can get her to belt out her little laugh!

·            She still dislikes when you aren’t giving her your full attention.
·            Dislikes waiting for her food to be ready


·            Currently in size 12 month
·            Wears size 3 diapers

·            Still going strong on pumping! She gets 4-5 bottles a day!
·            Loves eating food! I am getting pretty board with the baby food selection though.
·            She loves when Grandpa Mike & Daddy sneak her treats. (Donuts, cookies, French fries & pretzels) It drives mama crazy!
·            Loves her puff & cracker treats!

·            Sleeping habits are still the same. Two naps a day and sleeps through the night. Truly blessed with that.

·            Rolls around instead of crawling
·            Can turn in circles on her tummy (so close to crawling!)
·            Can turn around in circles while sitting up
·            Can go from sitting up down to the crawling position and will start to roll
·            Can say Dog, Dad, Daddy & sometimes (almost never) mama!

·            Her two bottom teeth have grown in and it’s so adorable!
·            Eczema has been a little rough with the colder months approaching. Trying to stay on top of the lotion but she doesn’t seem to mind it much.

          I can’t believe how fast this year is going! Oaklee’s cousin Declan just turned one and it made me realize how fast her birthday is approaching! It’s so amazing and bittersweet to watch your child grow and develop. She is so smart and is always amazing me. 

Looking forward to:
·            Crawling
·            Walking
·            More words
·            Learning more sign language

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