Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Oaklee 7 months!

So I am only a month late but #momlife right? 

  • ·         Saying Dad, Da da & dog all day long.
  • ·         Still loves rolling everywhere
  • ·         Getting into everything she is not supposed to
  • ·         Sitting up & playing with her toys
  • ·         Eating food!
  • ·         Brushing her teeth

  • ·         When you ignore her. (She gets a nasty attitude) 


  • ·         Currently in size 3 diapers
  • ·         9-12 month clothing!


  • ·         Oaklee is LOVING solids! She prefers vegetables over fruit though which I think is crazy but hoping that she enjoys vegetables for a long time!
  • ·         Her current favorite is sweet potatoes!
  • ·         I still pump so she is still getting 3-4 bottles a day


  • ·         Still going strong! The only down side is the time change. She usually wakes up at 6 because that is the time we get up for work but with the time change she now wakes up at 5. We just give her a bottle and she will play in her crib until 7.
  • ·       Can now sit up by herself
    ·         She can go from sitting up down to her back or belly
    ·         She doesn’t seem to want to crawl because she gets around everywhere she wants by rolling
    ·         She can now clap and wave!
    ·         She knows how to sign more & all gone!
    ·         Says Dad, dog, Dada & rarely mamma. We will ask her to say mamma and she will go “Dad”. Zack thinks it’s hilarious!
    ·         Funny story! Oaklee loves watching Super Why, so sometimes when we are getting ready in the morning we will turn it on! Zack and I were eating breakfast at the kitchen table & on this episode they found the letter “R” and asked, “What letter is this?” I kid you not Oaklee said R! Zack and I looked at each other like, “did you just hear what I heard!?”

    I’m sure it was just a coincidence but it was so funny! 


    ·         Her two bottom teeth are growing and look so adorable on her!

    ·         She developed excezma last month and the doctor recommended some hydrocortisone cream which completely took care of it! I am just trying to keep up with her every day lotion and once a week I give her an oatmeal bath! 


 I love watching Oaklee’s personality grow! She is such a spunky, sassy little girl! Some days she gives mom a run for her money! That girl has a little attitude! This month was so fun watching her catch on to sign language and words! She is so smart and we love showing our family all the new things she learns!
I’d also like to say that Oaklee reach 1,000 followers on Instagram! Woot woot! I am loving the brand repping community! It’s be so fun to capture all these amazing pictures of Oaklee!
We also went camping this month and took Oaklee on an 8 mile hike which took us 6 hours! She did so amazing! Zack carried her the entire time like a champ! 

Looking forward to:

·         Learning to Crawl
·         Learning more signs
·         Saying more words

·         Walking 

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