Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Oaklee 5 Months

This has been such an exciting month for us! Full of so many opportunities for this little gal of mine!

  • ·         Growling & screaming. She is such a loud little talker!
  • ·         Being tickled by Daddy
  • ·         The dogs. She LOVES dogs but seems to have a fascination with Harlee. She gets the biggest smile whenever Harlee enters the room
  • ·         Taking pictures. I take pictures of her daily & I think she just knows when the cameras out its time to shine!
  • ·         Holding her fingers in her mouth with her other hand. See example below. It’s so stinkin cute!
  • ·         Her bottle. Her eyes get so big as soon as she sees that thing!


  • ·         When you don’t give her your full attention
  • ·         When you don’t feed her right away when she’s hungry

  • ·         Currently size 2 diapers but once this pack is finished we will be moving up      to size 3.
  • ·         Wears 6 month onsies and pants
  • ·         Wears 9 month footie jammies


  • ·         Takes about 5 oz. every 2-3 hours during the day still
  • ·         30-32 oz. a day


  • ·         Still sleeping like a champ!


  • ·         Still being a rolly polly
  • ·         Getting really good with her hands while playing with toys
  • ·         We’ve been practicing sitting up more
  • ·         When laying on her belly she is starting to get her butt up and pushing with      her legs
  • ·         If she isn’t sleeping she is talking away

  • ·         She’s starting to teeth so lots of drool everywhere


Being a parent can be so hard sometimes. I have serious “mom guilt” about a lot of things in my life right now. For example, I work full time and feel like I don’t get to play and enjoy a lot of alone time with O. And then when I get home I need to make sure my family is fed and the house is clean and by that time it's Oaklee’s bed time. Does anyone else feel this way? I really want to spend my time wisely this next month.
I started having Oaklee be a Brand Rep & Brand Enthusiast on Instagram recently and it’s been a blast for me! I really enjoy doing it and the opportunities it has given Oaklee and I! I enjoy working with all these amazing small businesses and helping them grow! I’m debating on doing a post on how I got started but I’m not sure yet, let me know if you’d be interested!

Looking forward to:

  • ·         Sitting up
  • ·         Crawling (a little afraid that she can get around on her own)
  • ·         Eating solids (again a little afraid)
  • ·         Spending more quality time with O

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