Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Oaklee 3 Months

Oh my goodness! I can’t believe how fast they grow up! I cry a little every time I look at her because I feel like she is growing up in the blink of an eye!

·         Sucking on her fingers
·         Talking with you
·         Smiling
·         Being held (she’s getting a little spoiled with this one)
·         Super Y & Little einstiens
·         Getting any attention she can get
·         Sitting up

·         Being ignored
·         Being put down
·         Binky
·         Tummy time

·         Size 1 diapers
·         6 month onesies and pants
·         Still in 6 month footsie pjs but this will likely being going up soon
·         Weighs 12lbs 4oz 

·         Takes about 5-7 oz. every 2-3 hours

·         She sleeps through the night! We are so lucky!
·         Is getting on a pretty good schedule. Takes a nap at 9:30 am and another at 1:00 pm

·         Holds her head up
·         Getting pretty good at sitting up with our help
·         Wants to try and stand but isn’t very good at it
·         Reaches for toys
·         Anything she gets her hands on goes straight to her mouth!
·         Grabbing her feet and tries to get them into her mouth
·         Still talking away

· Her laryngomalacia seems to have gone away! Yay!
· Her acid reflux has also improved

O amazes her Daddy and I every day. She is so smart and has the sweetest personality! She loves to smile and talk! She’s starting to laugh more and it melts my heart to a trillion pieces! She is such a happy baby and it makes our job so easy!
She is starting to realize that being held is the best thing ever and will let you know she does not like when you put her down! Sometimes at work she will whine and cry and then as soon as I bend down to pick her up she gushes a HUGE smile (little butt).
The best part of my day is the mornings with her. As soon as we pop our faces over her crib she gets the biggest smile! It’s the best feeling to know this little human has so much love for you!
I am loving this parenting thing! (O does make is so easy for us) She teaches me so much and it’s really helping me grow as a person. I am still working on getting a schedule down. I still feel like some days just don’t have enough time and I can NEVER accomplish everything on my to do list. Sadly it’s the gym that gets pushed out most of the time, I really want to work on that. L But all and all Oaklee makes my heart so full and my days would not be the same without her!
Parenting goal for next month: Go an entire week being able to accomplish everything on my daily to do list. Let’s see how this goes! (: 

Looking forward to:  
·                Rolling over
·                Sitting up
·                Hard core laughs

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