Friday, June 3, 2016

Oaklee 2 Months

Baby girl is 2 months old! Loving every second of it!

·         Talking
·         Swimming
·         Smiling at anyone that talks to her
·         Bath time
·         Sleeping in her car seat
·         Bed time
·         Her blankie

·         Her baby carrier (the one that straps to you)
·         Sleeping at work
·         Waiting for her bottle when she is hungry

·         Size 1 diapers
·         3 month onesies and pants
·         6 month footsie pjs because she is so long
·         Weighs 11lbs 4oz (50th percentile)
·         23.5 inches (90th percentile)

·         Takes about 5 oz. every 2-3 hours

·         She is starting to sleep through the night! Yay!
·         Usually only takes 1 nap per day now. She likes to stay awake during the day!

·         Getting pretty dang good at holding her head up
·         Loves tummy time. I think she will be an early roller
·         Sucking on her hands now
·         Starting to put everything in her mouth
·         She’s starting to giggle thanks to Grandma M
·         Babbles more and more every day!

·         Got her first set of shots. It was so sad and I never want to do it again!
·         She is growing great and healthy!

          Zack and I love to talk to her! Since she copies anything you do, we’ve gotten her to say Hi a few times! She makes us laugh daily with her facial expressions and smiles!
Zack and I switch off nights so if Oaklee wakes up during the night we can take turns! Oaklee has been amazing and sleeps so good for us. We are really lucky! Zack has been so amazing with helping when I ask, I am so grateful for him being such a great Dad!  

Looking forward to:
·         More laughs!
·         Rolling over
·         Holding her head up

·         Grabbing toys 

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