Thursday, June 2, 2016

Oaklee 1 Month

How is my baby 1 month old already?? When they say it goes by fast they ain't kidding! Being a mom is so amazing and every day is filled with something new and exciting! I love to watch O grow and learn new things! She is such a happy baby and loves to flirt and smile at any and every one! We love our baby girl!

·         Smiling
·         Copying anything her Daddy does
·         Talking
·         Kicking her feet
·         Dreaming (always laughing and smiling in her sleep, it melts my heart!)
·         Eating

·         When people ignore her or don’t give her attention
·         Not liking the binky lately
·         Staying up past her bedtime

·         Size 1 diapers
·         3 month onesies and pants
·         3 month pjs
·         Weighs 10lbs 12oz
·         22.5 inches

·         Takes about 4 oz every 2-3 hours
·         She LOVES to eat and could eat all day if I let her
·         I exclusively pump (post about this coming soon) so she is bottle fed

·         This girl sleeps like a champ! Usually goes to bed around 8 and wakes up at 3am and then 7am.
·         I am able to take her to work with me and she will NOT sleep at work. Too much going on and she doesn’t want to miss a thing! This makes work a little difficult but I manage.
·         If it’s the weekend and we aren’t at work she takes two naps a day. One around 9am until 12pm. And another around 4pm until 6pm.

·         Smiling like crazy! She’s a little flirt!
·         Loves to babble and you can tell she wants to talk so bad!
·         She copies anything Zack does! He cues, she cues. It’s so cute!

·         Bath time twice a week. (LOVES it)
·         Found out she has laryngomalacia, that’s why she is a loud eater and makes gasping noises (nothing to worry about, goes away on its own)
·         Doing amazing since being off her oxygen after birth!
·         Slight case of Acid Reflux. It doesn’t seem to bother her at all but you can tell food comes up and she swallows it. Almost never spits it up. Doc prescribed medicine to see if it would also help with the laryngomalacia.

I love being Oaklee’s mom! She is such a great and happy baby and really makes my job easy! She is such a sweetheart and knows just how to make you smile! She is always ready to show off her little personality by giving us the biggest smiles and babbles away!
          I love when she falls asleep in my arms and just wants to cuddle with her momma. I could just stare at her precious face forever.
          She is so in love with her Daddy and the way he is always willing to play with her. He likes to push mommy out of her comfort zone when it comes to O, and she loves every second of it. To be honest I’m terrified she’s going to be like her daddy and love to live on the edge! Zack can’t wait to teach her how to ride dirt bikes! She is so amazing and life is filled with so much happiness with her in it!

Looking forward to:
·         Her laughs (she laughs in her sleep all the time but we have yet to hear it while she is awake)
·         Talking more
·         Playing with toys

·         Holding her head up

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