Monday, March 14, 2016

38 Weeks!!

How far along: 38 weeks as of March 06, 2016! 

Total weight gain/loss: Pre-pregnancy 115, now I am not at 159. 

Maternity clothes: You know it! I bought a cute dress that I can wear now and after baby comes! It felt so good to wear something that made me feel good about myself!

Sleep: Just tossing and turning the night away! I have tried everything to help relieve some of the pressure on my hips but nothing seems to help. I usually end up on the couch. 

Best moment this week: I deep cleaned the house this weekend and it makes me so happy to be in the nursery. I can't wait to be able to dress her up, take her for walks, and see her sleep in her crib! Also we sold our small pop up trailer and bought a brand new 2016 trailer that will actually fit our whole family once baby O is here! Camping is going to be so nice this year!

Food cravings: Just loving my cereal!   

Food aversions: Nothing really! 

Gender: Our sweet little princess!  

Labor signs: Had a doctors appointment this week (was supposed to strip my membranes) but we found out baby is not coming out any time soon. Cervix is still high and hard. 

Pregnancy symptoms: 
Back is starting to hurt if I am doing something for to long (cleaning) 
Swollen feet
Boobs are still leaking 
nothing really knew this week.

What I miss: Still missing sleep.

What I am looking forward to: Looking forward to our doctors appointment this week, hopefully baby changed her mind about coming out! 

Milestones: Only 2 weeks until due date! 

One tip I could give a first time mom who is also 38 weeks along: Don't get your hopes up thinking baby will come earlier. 

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