Friday, March 11, 2016

37 Weeks!!

How far along: 37 weeks as of February 28, 2016! 

Total weight gain/loss: Pre-pregnancy 115, now I am not at 157. 

Maternity clothes: Ugh. Don't even bring this subject up. Nothing fits my belly and it's depressing. I am all about cute clothes and it's frustrating having to look like a bum all the time! And who wants to buy new maternity clothes when I only have 3 weeks left? Not me! (:

Sleep: Sleep is not a thing anymore. What is sleep? My body aches soooooo bad at night I toss and turn all night long. That or I am getting up to pee. 

Best moment this week: I love when Zack takes a second to watch her move, or talk to her. It melts my heart. 

Food cravings: Powerade with extra ice, ice and cereal.  

Food aversions: Nothing really! 

Gender: Our sweet little princess!  

Labor signs: I wish, I wish so bad that I could put something here but so far nothing. :( I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday to get my membranes stripped so hopefully I will have better news next week! 

Pregnancy symptoms: 
Stomach is huge, I don't think it can get any bigger! 
It hurts to walk. 
Just the usual 3rd trimester aches and pains.

What I miss: Sleep!! 

What I am looking forward to: Looking forward to our doctors appointment on Wednesday to finally get checked to see if this baby is coming soon or not! 

Milestones: Only 3 weeks until due date! 

One tip I could give a first time mom who is also 37 weeks along: Everyone will stare at you. Just smile and wave. (: 

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