Thursday, March 3, 2016

35 Weeks!!

How far along: 35 weeks as of February 14, 2016! 

Total weight gain/loss: Pre-pregnancy 115, now I am not at 153. 

Maternity clothes: My belly has really dropped this past week and so all the shirts that used to fit me (including my maternity) don't cover the bottom of my belly because of how low it is. My mom, sister & I went to Old Navy over the weekend for the sale and it took us forever to find a shirt that was actually long enough! I can't wait until I can fit into my clothes again! 

Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good this week! On the 14th I slept pretty much all day and was still able to fall asleep at night no problem! 

Best moment this week: We had our second baby shower this week and were so spoiled! Baby O has pretty much everything she needs! Just need to pick up a few more items!

Food cravings: Blue powerade or ice! Praise the lord for Mcdonald's dollar drinks!

Food aversions: Nothing again this week! 

Gender: Baby Girl! 

Labor signs: I get at least one braxton hick a day now. I am just waiting for the day where it's for real!

Pregnancy symptoms: 
My stomach has dropped so much!
Swollen body
I tend to have the "waddle" now because she is so low.
Peeing a lot more

What I miss: Not feeling so insecure about my body

What I am looking forward to: Getting all the last minute items done and having everything ready to go. I can't seem to focus on anything else because baby, baby, baby is all that's running through my mind!

Milestones: 35 weeks!! Two more weeks and I will be running, walking, jumping on the tramp, anything to get labor going!

One tip I could give a first time mom who is also 35 weeks along: Time really does go by so fast. Don't procrastinate anything!

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