Monday, February 29, 2016

34 Weeks!!

How far along: 34 weeks as of February 07, 2016! 

Total weight gain/loss: Pre-pregnancy 115, now I am not at 150. 

Maternity clothes: More like my husbands clothes! This belly sticks out and nothing seems to fit it! 

Sleep: I have a horrible cold this week and it is making sleep impossible!! It's hard enough to breathe with a giant belly but add in a stuffed up nose and a sore throat and it becomes impossible! 

Best moment this week: Zack and I took a little trip to antelope island and had a great time talking about the future with our baby girl! 

Food cravings: Not really craving anything this week. I've just been trying to drink as much water as I can to get rid of this horrible cold!

Food aversions: Not this week!

Gender: Baby Girl! 

Labor signs: Again just a few contractions. 

Pregnancy symptoms: 
I don't think my stomach can stretch any further and then it somehow does..
Swollen feet, hands, heck my entire body. 
Extremely itchy belly. Like, I cried the other night because it itched so bad.
Sore boobs.

What I miss: Being a healthy pregnant lady! I can't say enough how terrible this cold is!

What I am looking forward to: Looking forward to our next baby shower this week!

Milestones: I am getting so close to the baby being full term!

One tip I could give a first time mom who is also 34 weeks along: Stay away from sick people. 

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