Monday, February 1, 2016

30 Weeks!

How far along: 30 weeks as of January 10, 2016! Can I just say it is going by so fast now!! Only 10 more weeks (if I don't go into labor earlier)!!! I just can't wait to meet her!!! 

Total weight gain/loss: Pre-pregnancy 115, now I am not at 146! :(  

Maternity clothes: I only have a few outfits but that is pretty much all I wear with all this cold weather!! 

Sleep: I slept a little better this week but I still wake up a lot to pee, stretch my hips from the pain, or toss & turn. But hey, it will all be worth it right? (: 

Best moment this week: We went to classic skating for our cousins birthday and she was kicking so strong to the music you could probably see my tummy move from across the room!
Also we had an appointment to check the fluid again so we were able to see her cute face! She has a little button nose and pouty lips! 

Food cravings: I haven't been craving any food lately but I have been craving juice and water. I cannot quench this thirst I have!

Food aversions: I ran out of my regular prenatals so in the meantime I took the ones that I was taking with my morning sickness and it brought back those memories and made me feel sick all day!

Gender: Baby Girl! 

Labor signs: Not this week.

Pregnancy symptoms: My swelling this week went down (thank goodness), 
My tummy itches like crazy and growing at a pace I can't keep up with!
Been feeling a little nauseous this week. 

What I miss: I've been buying some workout clothes to motivate me to get back in shape after she arrives and I just can't wait to workout and play soccer again!! Soccer season starts right after she gets and I can't wait!! I miss it so much!  

What I am looking forward to: Still looking forward to our baby shower in the next few weeks! I can't wait to get the final pieces of the nursery put together!

Milestones: I am almost in the single digits of weeks left to go!! It will be here before I know it!

One tip I could give a first time mom who is also 30 weeks along: As things start to get busy with putting together last minute things but don't forget to take a few minutes and enjoy being pregnant, enjoy the little kicks and rolls because it will be over soon!

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