Wednesday, January 27, 2016

29 Weeks!

How far along: 29 weeks as of January 3, 2016!

Total weight gain/loss: Pre-pregnancy 115, now I am not at 139! :(  

Maternity clothes: Yes! I stick out so much that its hard to wear clothes that I already have. I bought some skinny maternity jeans and I feel like a cool mom. (;

Sleep: Still not so great. My hips are killing me and I have to get up every hour to pee.

Best moment this week: She's been rolling around a lot more in there and I love to watch my belly move! 

Food cravings: I've been loving water lately! I really want it during the night which just makes me pee more.

Food aversions: Nothing really!

Gender: Baby Girl! 

Labor signs: Not this week.

Pregnancy symptoms: My feet get HUGE! I am hoping by the time I post this that I'll be able to get a before and after picture of how swollen they get some days. 
My belly itches like freaking crazy!

What I miss: I seriously miss going to the gym everyday. :( I can't wait to workout again!  

What I am looking forward to: I am now looking forward to my first baby shower in the next few weeks!

Milestones: Only 11 weeks to go! That makes it seem so close! I cant wait! 

One tip I could give a first time mom who is also 29 weeks along: Elevate those feet!

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