Monday, January 18, 2016

28 Weeks!

How far along: 28 weeks as of December 27, 2015!

Total weight gain/loss: Pre-pregnancy 115, now I am not at 138! 

Maternity clothes: Wearing the few outfits I have with the maternity clothes I got!

Sleep: It's horrible right now! My hips are really hurting and so I toss and turn all night. 

Best moment this week: Having my nephew feel her move! The first words out of his mouth were, "It's alive in there!" ha ha

Food cravings: Still loving the sweets! :( 

Food aversions: Nothing really!

Gender: Baby Girl! 

Labor signs: Not this week.

Pregnancy symptoms: Growing belly
Swollen hands and feet 
Pressure on lower tummy
Back pain
Acid reflux

What I miss: My shoes! My feet are swollen and won't fit in most of my shoes! 

What I am looking forward to: I just can't wait to meet her! 

Milestones: We made it to the third trimester! Woot woot! 

One tip I could give a first time mom who is also 28 weeks along: Drink plenty of water, all day long! 

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