Thursday, January 7, 2016

26 Weeks!

How far along: 26 weeks as of December 13, 2015!

Total weight gain/loss: Pre-pregnancy 115, now I am not at 135! 

Maternity clothes: I caved and bought a maternity shirt! I was sick of having nothing to wear now that it's freezing outside!

Sleep: Depends on the night, but for the most part I am tossing and turning. Or either waking up because I in the middle of my sleep I turn to my back and can't breathe anymore! 

Best moment this week: I just love the way she moves all the time. It always makes me happy to be able to feel her! 

Food cravings: Cereal and milk! I also really enjoyed oranges this week!

Food aversions: Nothing really!

Gender: Baby Girl! 

Labor signs: I can tell when I don't drink enough water because I am starting to get braxton hicks! 

Pregnancy symptoms: Just a growing belly (and boobs). 
Hands get a little swollen (my wedding band wont fit anymore)
I was also really tired this week!

What I miss: Being able to wear more then 5 outfits!

What I am looking forward to: Getting the glucose test over with! & I am just so ready to meet her! I know the next three months will go by fast with all the holidays but I just can't wait! 

Milestones: So close to the third trimester!

One tip I could give a first time mom who is also 26 weeks along: Read up on things you are interested in. Be informed. 

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