Monday, September 22, 2014

30 Day Workout Challenge-The Start

Good afternoon everyone! I just want to start off this blog by saying THANK YOU!! Thank you to everyone who spends a little time out of their day to check out my blog. It means the world to me and I never expected to have as many views as I do. I appreciate it so much!!
Well getting back to what this post is about, my personal 30 day workout challenge. I asked on good old FB if anyone would want to see a 30 workout challenge and I had some positive feedback so here it is! I wanted to do this for myself. I love seeing everyone so hyped about getting in shape and being toned and I thought heck, I want to see my body in the best possible shape it can be but I just needed a little extra help. So I thought, what better way than to post on my blog and be accountable for getting in shape.
My main goal is to tone up my body and gain some of the muscle I lost after not playing soccer, back. I want to see my body in the best possible shape it can be so I am giving myself 30 days to get it done. I will transform my eating habits; spend that extra hour making a healthy meal and workout. I do not own a gym pass so everything I do will be done in the inside of my home or the good old outdoors. (:
Each week I will post an update picture, my weekly meals and give you an insight into my workout plan. Let me know if you'd like me to add anything else!

So here is the beginning of my journey. Week 1:

Here is my body as of week 1.
My journey begins on Monday September 22, 2014. Lets do this!!
My goals for the upcoming week include:
1. Focus on my arms
2. Prepare & pack lunches for work
3. Workout at LEAST 4 days
Thank you all for checking in! Look out for my everyday hair later this week!
Love Always,
The Crazy Collards

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