Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bear Lake

   Well, it's that time of year again (I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by). The fourth of July, yay! I feel as though this holiday holds some of the most memorable memories for me. And just like every year my family was able to take our annual trip to good old Bear Lake! Can I just say how grateful I am for our cabin on the lake. I cannot begin to imagine my childhood without that place. I have been going since my birth and every year still holds that magical feeling I've been feeling since a child (it's kinda like Christmas in summer!)
I am just the cutest I know (;
   Well this year was awesome! This is Zack's second year up with the family and I think he enjoys it a little more then I do (only for the card games haha). This was, however our first year up as a married couple and it was... exactly the same! (: Besides the part we had to plan our own meals and bring our own food. Zack liked to spend his time sleeping the day away.
 This is one of my favorite places to take pictures of my family, especially the kids. They are the cutest all covered in sand!

   Seriously kids never disappoint in pictures, I love it! This trip was awesome and I am so glad Zack and I decided to go at the last minute. We had a great time at the lake, watching fireworks and sitting around the campfire. Harlee was a bit of a hassle but she loved the water which made us both very happy! Sorry this post didn't have anything really exciting but I just wanted to show all the cute pictures I got of the kids (sorry, not sorry!) I guess i'll end this post with a few more pictures! (:

Love always,
                    The Crazy Collards

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