Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Always Remember

   Well this post might be a wee bit different then the others. I wanna get a little more personal. Lots of change has happened this year and I just wanted to write a small list of things that help me on a daily basis. When things get tough or I need a little reminder I like to think of these and i'd like to share them with you. (:
I do not sugar coat things. I say it how it is.

1. When life is hard, it might be your fault. I've had my days when I thought life could not get any worse and I didn't know how much more I could take. High school for example was one of the hardest times in my life. I had moments where I thought I could not take much more and it seemed as though the bad just kept coming. I couldn't catch a break. I blamed everyone around me, but myself... Until one day I FINALLY realized it was me that needed to change. I was the one making life hard. It wasn't my mom, my dad, sisters, coach or friends. It was me! It was me repeating mistakes and putting myself in situations that made things difficult. That's when I decided to take a step back from the people I surrounded myself with and take a moment for myself. I didn't listen to what anyone else thought, I didn't repeat my mistakes and I finally took a moment to focus on me, I did what I loved and what made ME happy. Now I know that when I am having a hard time or a little stressed out to stop, and relax. I don't need to make things harder. Let life run its course the way it was intended to. And if you don't like it, change it.

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2. Prepare yourself for your future dreams & goals.  I realize this is kind of an obvious one but I cannot even begin to explain how many people I see waste thier life away! Thinking "oh i'll do that tomorrow, or when i'm older." Wake up people! Every year of your life will go by faster and faster and thier is nothing you can do to stop it! Sadly, I admit I was that person. I admit I am not a big risk taker, I sometimes feel like I have so years to do that or this but what better time to start then now? When Zack and I started talking about Marriage and buying a home I was afraid.  Don't get me wrong I was excited but deep down I was scared. I was afraid of ending up like all the young couples you hear about. Poor and divorced. (I think its sad, that people these days cannot obtain the things our parents were able to because they simple didnt/dont prepare themselves.) But as we talked and got down to everything I realized that we had prepared ourselves for our future and what we wanted to accomplish together. They are some of the biggest investments you make in life and I cannot say enough, how grateful I am for our families who taught us how important your future is and that they prepared us to be able to have such an amazing life together. We are 21 years old, married with our own home, our own cars and paying the bills each and every month, not many people can say that! They say it a million times but prepare yourselves! Its never to late to go after what you want. So go and do it, like now! And remember that you should always be preparing yourself for the next step.

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3. Spoil yourself. I found that this comes a little more difficult now that I am married. You’re around someone almost 24/7 now and some of your old habits might begin to fade out. Don't let them. Before we bought our home I was a shopping freak! Every single weekend (or day) I was out shopping. And now that we've moved in and combined accounts I feel guilty spending money on shopping until I realized that's something I love to do. So I work a little harder to earn some extra money to buy myself something nice every once in a while. Note that this can mean a million things. Dress up for yourself, put make up on for yourself, workout for yourself, just do something for you and know that it is okay to spoil yourself.

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4. People are mean, you don't have to be. Today's world sometimes makes me sick. People are so rude! What happened to some manners people? Did we all forget how to say please and thank you?! Or to spend an extra second holding the door open for someone. Just because this world is becoming so dark does not mean we need to. Everywhere I go I try and take a moment to say thank you. Try and spend a day counting how many times you hear those words. It won’t be very often. Change that.

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5. Don't forget your inner kid. I would rather spend time with kids then adults simply because they know how to have a good time. No matter where they are they always seem to be finding a way to have a good time. And a good time to them doesn't include long boring talks or alcohol. It includes watching a cartoon, playing a game outside, and having a tickle war! Don't forget about that inner kid of yours. Have a little fun doing something you used to love. Or spend some extra time with a child and see exactly how happy they are! It's okay to sit on a swing set and enjoy an otter pop every once in a while. (:

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Stop getting so caught up in work, your chores, or when life gets hard. Because your life is passing you by each and every second. Make it worth your time. 
Love always,
                     The Crazy Collards

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