Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Oaklee 4 Months

Mom would like it if you’d stop growing up, ok? She is so fun right now and I just don’t want it to ever end!

·            Still loves sucking on her fingers (this is how she puts herself to sleep)

·            Mom (yes, that’s right. She’s a mommas girl)

·            Rolling around

·            Loves when people talk to her. 99% of the time she will flash you a big smile!

·            Her Baba (bottle)


I seriously can’t think of much for this. She is such a happy baby.

·            Doesn’t like to be put in her car seat.


     ·     Size 2 diapers

·            6 month onesies and pants

·            9 month footsie pajamas

·            Weighs 13lbs 4oz (30th percentile)

·            Height 25.2 in. (60th percentile)    


·            Takes 6 oz. every 2-3hrs (nothing after 7pm until 6:30am)

·            Likes to drink around 30 oz. a day


·            Sleeping through the night like a champ

·            All we need to do to put her to sleep is lay her down (anywhere flat), give her a blankie and she will suck her fingers until she is asleep. We literally don’t have to do anything. She is so amazing!


·            Really good at holding her head up during tummy time

·            Getting pretty good at sitting up with our help

·            Wants to stand more then sit

·            Getting better every day at reaching for toys

·            She loves to have her feet in the air

·            Grabs her feet

·            Coos and screams when happy

·            Rolls back to front & front to back. She prefers to roll back to front more.


·            She did get a little cold this month, but it didn’t seem to bother her at all!

·            I think she is starting to teeth. She is drooling like crazy!


Oakers (what Zack and I call her) you are seriously such an easy baby! We love how happy you are! Oaklee is so smart and amazes us every day! I think it’s so crazy how babies just wake up one day and just do something they’ve never done before. It makes me so proud to watch her grow and transform. When we went in for our last appointment the doctor said her development is like a six month old and that just makes Daddy and I beam! You make our job so easy!

Looking forward to: 

·            Sitting up

·            Hard core laughs

·            Crawling

·            Eating solids

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