Friday, January 23, 2015

30 Day Challenge- Leg Day

Okay guys, it's finally here!

More from my 30 day challenge (please feel free to call this a 90 day challenge since I haven't posted about it in forever) (; I am so sorry I haven't been updating you on this. To be honest I wasn't doing everything I KNOW I can do to stick with this so I decided no better time then the present (and the new year) to get started again.

In this post I'll be sharing what I love to do at home to workout my legs.

I do not own a gym pass so when I workout it is either outside or in the comfort of my own home.

 To give you all a brief update, I did/do play soccer. I am most confident about my legs because throughout the years and years of soccer they've never really been a problem for me. But this year I am looking to define all the muscles in my body and so my legs can always improve.

 Leg day is my favorite! I tend to do it about 2 times per week because I enjoy it so much. I love feeling sore the next morning and feeling like I can barley walk. I don't know if it's just me but it makes me feel like it's working!

So lets jump into it.

Stair jumps.

I do these to get my heart rate going after I do a warm up run.
These are simple, use a stair and jump up and down.

Chair lifts

These are pretty much the same concept as the stair jumps. Up and down (do not jump because you will probably die!) Ha. Anyways, you start on either side and lift yourself up and down then switch to the other side.

Squat jumps

These are a little hard to explain so please forgive me in advance. I start off with my feet shoulder width apart, and then I jump from one leg to the next. Putting the leg in the air behind the leg I am using to jump with. Keep your knees bent and you will feel the burn!

Calf Raises.

Pretty sure everyone knows how to do these, I use a stair so it makes it harder.
I also turn my feet in and out to work different muscles.

These are the basics for me and I hope you find them useful in your home. More from the 30 day challenge coming soon!

Love Always,
The Crazy Collards

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