Sunday, January 11, 2015

3 Simple Hairstyles for the Lazy Girl In You

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend.

Today I am going to be showing you 3 simple hairstyles for you short hair ladies! (These work with long hair as well. Bonus!)

I love how easy my short hair is but I sometimes feel like I am always doing the same thing with it every day. So I played around for a while to find some different hairstyles that can be done just as fast but still give me the look that I actually went the extra mile on my hair. So let’s jump right into it.

You can do any of these with straight or curly hair. My hair is usually in messy curls so that’s what I’ll be working with today.

1. Twisted side
This little twist took me a minute to master but I finally figured out the trick!
I start by taking 2 pieces on one side of my hair.

I then twist each separate piece AWAY from my face. Make sure you twist each piece the same direction, away from the face. That is the trick.

I then twist each piece over the other until I run out of hair.

I then boddy pin it back and you’re done!

2. Braided half up
This is similar to the twisted side but instead of twisting you braid and on both sides.

I start by braiding one section of my hair (as you can tell I changed my part the middle), this time I will grab my longer pieces so that it can reach the back of my head after braiding.

I then do the exact same thing on the other side until I reach where my last braid ended.

I pin both sections together so they meet on the back of my head.

I fix my curls and I am good to go!

3. The 3 tuck
The next one takes a minute to get just right but once you master it, it turns out awesome! This is especially awesome for layers!
First you section out 3 pieces at the bottom of your hair and section them off.

I like to leave out a few pieces from the front.

Then start pinning. I twist and pin different sections making it look like an up do.

I make sure all pieces are how I want them and spray for hold.

I hope these are useful for some of you because I absolutely love them! Let me know if you tried any of these out and if they worked for you! Thanks for checking in!
Love Always,

The Crazy Collards

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