Saturday, March 14, 2015


Hey everyone! I know it's been a minute but I am going to make this post short and sweet! A lot has been going on in our lives recently (Zacky's second surgery fast approaching) so I've been taking some time off the blog. I'm sorry but I’ll be posting more next week while I am in the hospital.

Well back to what this post is all about, giveaway time!! Yay!!

I am planning to start doing giveaways once a month, every other month it will be a larger prize!! I am so excited about this you don't even know!! (:

Anyway, as you may know I LOVE workout clothes. Every stores workout section just sucks me right in!! So recently I went into Lululemon.... and died. Everything is so beautiful and sooo unique! Some of the things feel like nothing I've ever felt before!!! So I thought I’d share the love of a product from there I have been really enjoying!

My hair is short so when I workout it’s hard to make sure it all stays in a ponytail, so I bought one of Lululemon's headbands and it was life changing! It keeps my hair in place and DOES NOT MOVE!! So I am giving one away!!! Yay!!!

At the bottom of this post you will find the entry details!!! Good luck!!! (:

To be entered in this giveaway you must do the following:

-Follow me on Instagram @mrscourtcollard (link is also on the right hand side of my blog)
-Must like the picture on Instagram
-And comment on the picture on Instagram saying done
-Tagging 2 friends will get you a second entry!

Contest ends 03/20/15
Good luck!!!

Those who are entered will be chosen at random. I will be writing each name down and picking it out of a hat (i'll post a video on Instagram and contact you there!) (:

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