Thursday, July 17, 2014

Our Big Day

Yay! Finally I have had enough time to get this post created and published. This will probably be my favorite post so far because come on; it was my wedding day guys!! First off my wedding day could not have happened without all the help from my family and friends so thank you, everyone!! You guys were awesome and made mine and Zack's day so special.

   Okay well I am a bit of a control freak so everything I did for my wedding (like literally almost EVERYTHING) I made myself. Pinterest was a huge help but in the end I went with everything that I thought looked best. Our theme was "Country", so I stayed with very natural color scheme. I wanted it to be more of a country chic wedding; I didn't want the colors to be to overpowering. The color scheme we went with was Light peach, Brown & Gold. It was so perfect for me because colors aren't really my thing (I’m very neutral).

  As far as the decorations go, you guessed it. I made them all myself. I loved how everything turned out. It was perfect. (I wish I had more pictures of the small details that went into everything but ya cant have everything.) (; 

    My favorite part of my wedding was the bridesmaid & groomsmen clothes. I loved the simply country look I went with and I thought it turned out perfect! I loved everything that I found and all the women & men wore it perfectly. Especially Joey, he was working that sling like a champ!

I made the girls tutu's as well.
   The day was perfect and I could not have asked for anything better. It was just what I imagined it to be, simply yet chic and fun. I could not ask for anything better and I am the luckiest girl on the planet to be able to become Mrs. Collard. Zack is my best friend and I could not think of spending the rest of my life with anyone else. I hope you enjoyed this post and check out some extra pictures from the day. 


  I just want to take a moment and brag a little about my amazing husband. Life would not be life without him. He is my sunshine to everyday. I never have a dull moment with him in my life. He brings me such joy and happiness it sometimes overwhelms me. I am so blessed to have had the chance to meet my soul mate and begin this walk through life together. I love beginning and ending every day in his arms. I love you baby. To the moon and back.

Love always,
                     The Crazy Collards

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