Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Why I Chose to go Organic

I know what many of you are thinking... "Oh boy! Here goes another one!"

I know this because I was one of you. I was the one always criticizing those who chose to go organic saying things like, 

"You are spending extra money for nothing!"

"We've been eating this food all our lives and we turned out just fine!"

The truth is I watched a show(s) that changed how I see food entirely.

The earth is full of so much variety when it comes to food, and that food is full of rich vitamins and minerals our body needs to stay healthy and strong. So the thing that's hard for me to understand when it comes to our food these days is why are we completely changing how food is made? 

In the show(s) I watched it shows and explains just how the food companies these days work. They work with only one thing on their minds... money. They don't care about the farmers, the food or us. They only see the dollar signs. And that just didn't seem okay to me. 

We should know exactly what we are eating and exactly where it is coming from. I don't need a genetically modified chicken, or the poor cow that spent its entire life at a factory waiting to be killed for me to have that dollar cheese burger. They deserve more than that and so do I!

So organic is the way I went. 

I feel so much better knowing that my family is getting healthy, REAL, natural food. And my body is feeling the benefits as well. I have more energy when I make food from scratch and not a box. I have a better mood when I eat organic and I feel happy knowing that my body is getting what it needs. 

For those of you who think organic is too expensive, it really isn't. You will maybe be spending $2-$5 more for the same items you already purchase. In the long run your body will thank you for spending a little more for giving it a lot more.

If I had to give a few tips for those looking to change their lifestyle habits when it comes to food this would be it:

1. If it comes from a box, don't eat it. Rarely does it have any nutritional value for you.

2. Check how much sugar is in the daily items you eat. You'll be surprised. Many things you "think" are healthy really aren't. That "low fat" or "0 calorie" item you picked up really isn't that great for you. They usually replace the fat or calories with sugar making your liver work overtime to produce more insulin. And when insulin is being produced in large amounts it gets stored as fat. Quick fact: everything on a food label shows the daily value next to it besides sugar. Seems those food companies are being a little sneaky.

This is a food label for yogurt. Lots of sugar for something you'd think would be healthy for you. 
Make sure you know the difference between added sugar and natural sugar. (Fresh fruits our natural sugar.) 

"According to data from the U.S. in 2008, people are consuming over 60 pounds (28 kg) of added sugar per year and this does not include fruit juicesIn 2008 the average intake was 76.7 grams per day, which equals 19 teaspoons or 306 calories."

Recommended daily sugar intake:

  • Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons).
  • Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons).

3. Soda is the devil. I do not drink soda. I haven't since middle school. Of course I’ll have a little sparkling cider here and there but I do not drink anything with carbonation on a day to day basis. It is SOOO bad for you people! I know it tastes so yummy and can even become addictive at times but get rid of it! Once you stop drinking it for a while you do not crave it and when you do have it, it does not taste the same. (When I have soda it literally burns, and I can feel it burn all the way down into my stomach!) My favorite saying of all time, "Soda makes you slow." (For all you athletes)

4. Not all calories are created equal. 60 calories in a soda is NOT the same as 60 calories in almonds. Soda will give you a fast sugar high followed by a crash of lost energy. Almonds will process in your body different giving you gradual energy throughout the day.

5. Water is everything. Don't forget to drink your 8 glasses a day. It changes everything!

Sorry this might be a long and boring post for many of you but I hope you decide to make a change for the better in your life. You WILL feel the difference I promise!

Here is a link to the show that changed my outlook on food:

Thank you for stopping by and be on the lookout for more posts later this week.

Love Always,

The Crazy Collards

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