Sunday, August 31, 2014


               Okay guys seriously I am slacking! I am sorry that I haven’t updated you all on our life recently! I have just been kind of obsessed with the pictures I took of my sister and have been having such a good time editing/sharing them all with you! So again I apologize for not updating..
                Nothing exciting has really happened to us recently, we’ve just been working away and spending some time adding some small touches to the house. Sorry to get off topic for a second but I know a lot of you wanted pictures of our home and I promise they will be on the blog soon, we just didn’t want to post any pictures until we have everything the way we imagined. So stayed tuned! Anyway as I was saying we haven’t done anything real exciting besides Zackys sister Danielle got married on August 16 and that was a very hectic day for us but we had a great time! Last weekend though we went on a hike and I had a “fantastic” time (sarcastic). I thought the story was worth sharing because well, I like to laugh at myself.
                It started out like any other hike, Zack and I went with his father (Dave) and the dogs; Harlee and Max. We decided to hike up Neff’s canyon because it’s a trail that dogs are allowed on. If you are out of shape please spare yourself the misery and check out something else. Because I DIED!! It was an uphill battle the ENTIRE way! While I was dying the dogs seemed to enjoy every second of it, Harlee was a champ and pretty much ran the entire way and still had energy to play after. Max on the other hand… We kind of have a good time joking about his weight because he used to be this precious tiny puppy and now… let’s just say he put on a few pounds!
After, he's so cute and tubby! (;

 We hiked up to a stream where the dogs could cool off and take a break and I was taking pictures of the beautiful stream when I had a genius idea to take a picture of me standing in it. I brought my new camera backpack that Zack got me for my birthday and my phone was in the side pocket. So I gave my camera to Zack and asked him to take a picture, the picture went great! 

                It was after the picture that everything went wrong, I took one wrong step and ya know… fell in the stream! I had fallen on my back so immediately my first reaction was “MY CAMERA LENSES!!” So I threw open my back pack and checked everything which luckily was perfectly fine. So we went on our marry way up the rest of the mountain until I stopped and checked my side pocket... and OF COURSE my phone was missing! So I scream to Zack, my phone!! He ran down the hill back to the stream and there it was at the bottom of the stream and ya know... IN THE DEEPEST part.
                Anyway I guessed it ended up being a good thing because my loving husband bought me the upgraded version (Galaxy S5). He also spent a good minute drying my poor phone out and guess what, IT WORKS!! Miracles happen every day people! (; Well that hike was a troll and kicked my butt but it did give me some great pictures!

                I swear ill update more often and sorry for the totally random update story! Haha I have a ton of fun and exciting things coming your way so stay tuned! We love you all!
Love always,

The Crazy Collards

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