Sunday, June 29, 2014

All about babies!

   I know what you're all thinking by the title but no Zack & I are not expecting a baby nor will we be anytime soon! I know... I know, so disappointing! You won’t be disappointed long though because I have some adorable pictures coming your way! This weekend I had the pleasure to shoot some of THEE most adorable human beings on planet earth! Children photography is probably my favorite to shoot. They may not be the easiest to direct but don't those little stinkers deliver!! Babies just melt my heart into a big gushy pile, and when I look at the pictures this weekend... let’s just say my heart cannot be melted anymore!

   Since I have the best father in law EVER I was able to practice with some professional lighting and back drops. I was a bit nervous at first because inside lighting hates me but I ended up loving how the pictures turned out! My handsome nephew was first on my list this weekend and I don't mean to brag or anything but those eyes can cut through your soul!

   My next session was with the one and only Rachel or owner of check it out to see her amazing collection of beanies, wraps & scarves! She just gave birth to the most amazing little man I've had the pleasure to meet. He is so small and yet has gone through so much. I'll let the pictures describe this little fighters story. 

   This entire session just screamed for black and white! I loved getting to know this cute family a little more and the amazing little J! This weekend was great and I was able to try so many new things. I know that I am at the very beginning of my photography journey and still have so much to learn and I cannot wait to grow and take that next step. Thanks for all the support so far from my family and friends. I love you all.
Love always,
               The Crazy Collards.

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